Thursday 16 April 2015

Market Demand

I think it's important to understand market needs and demands.  Having researched the market frequently over the past few years, I believe that there is a gap in the market for an Asian female photographer in the area of wedding photography.  Earlier survey carried out by myself prove that the most popular method of searching for a photographer is via the internet.  A search on Google today still provides results with a list of the majority of Asian wedding photographers based in the London area.

Below:  image of google search for Asian wedding photographers

The majority of photographers advertising are also male, from my experience of working and from previous research through surveys some of the community with traditional families still don't allow male photographers to photograph all of the celebration events such as the Nikah where the men and women are normally in separate rooms.  All of the above therefore confirms the need for more Asian female photographers, again something that was confirmed in my research and findings last year.

I feel it is important to establish a need or gap in the market if you are to be successful in any area of business.

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