Thursday 16 May 2013

Still Life Evaluation


Still life assignment was easier to do as I was able to set up at home and take photographs of normal household objects and flowers.  I didn't realise how difficult it was to get the lighting right but after lots of practice (which is evident in my blog) I felt I was finally getting the hang of it.

I experimented with different backgrounds to achieve different results.

Some of the shots that I would have like to do more of was to use water but I did need more equipment to achieve those particular shots i.e. more lights in different positions, an assistant to drop things in water so that I could release the shutter on time and capture the action with a fast shutter speed.

My final still life enlargement is ok but seems slightly duller as an enlargement, if I had more time I think I would probably reshoot it to change the depth of field slightly and also brighten it.

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