Friday, 17 May 2013

Photography Research

We have been running a photography course in the centre and I have been able to speak to Kev Harrison (course tutor) to get tips and ideas on how he approaches different subjects to photograph and the set up of equipment, including settings on his camera.

Kev showed me some interesting landscape photos which had been taken early in the morning to capture sunrise and the get the right light for his photos.  Different times of the day had been used for different shots depending on the desired effect, images captured were slightly enhanced digitally to produce the perfect print - all needs patience and determination.

Still Life Photography Research

I borrowed this book from the library - it has some good techniques on how to light and photograph food, includes equipment required, position and covers all foods (burgers, cakes, ice cream and ice cold drinks)

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Still Life Evaluation


Still life assignment was easier to do as I was able to set up at home and take photographs of normal household objects and flowers.  I didn't realise how difficult it was to get the lighting right but after lots of practice (which is evident in my blog) I felt I was finally getting the hang of it.

I experimented with different backgrounds to achieve different results.

Some of the shots that I would have like to do more of was to use water but I did need more equipment to achieve those particular shots i.e. more lights in different positions, an assistant to drop things in water so that I could release the shutter on time and capture the action with a fast shutter speed.

My final still life enlargement is ok but seems slightly duller as an enlargement, if I had more time I think I would probably reshoot it to change the depth of field slightly and also brighten it.

Landscape Evaluation

I always thought of landscape as beautiful scenery, this assignment had definitely given me a new insight into the 'here and now' landscape and before I went out I did research the subject more which helped me to understand the concept better.

I was really nervous about using the 5x4 camera and especially using it outside with people watching and my first attempt was a disaster as I loaded the film the wrong way and it also didn't help looking through the viewfinder to see the picture upside down and back to front, framing and focusing was also awkward.

Second attempt - was very careful and felt more comfortable with loading the film and the settings on the camera and it was a relief to finally manage some prints, even though they were quite dull.

Third attempt - I was comfortable using the camera, loading the film and framing the subject and finally felt confident with what I was doing so I took the wide angle lens to try and get some good street shots.

I did leave printing till late but did spend more time on trying to improve the contrast in the photos.  I am more pleased with the black and white printing this time as I feel that the photos have good contrast in them and I can see the difference in the normal paper we used last time and also the warm tone paper we used for this assignment.

The only criticism is that the more I look at the photos the more imperfections I can see which is probably due to the negatives having something on them which is not visible to the naked eye!

I also took landscape photos on my compact digital camera and also on my DSLR, some of them were the same shots to compare the settings and the results to a 5x4 camera and also to see what the image would look like in black and white.  I must admit I  did find the digital cameras much more easier to use especially with a digital zoom and being able to see the photo the right way round as the framing was more awkward on the 5x4 camera with the image being upside down and back to front.  Framing is easier on a digital camera and settings can be adjusted easily and quickly, it took much longer to frame a shot with the 5x4 camera and manually adjusting the zoom and fine focusing again is time consuming.

I also made the mistake of leaving the light meter at home the first time and it was really awkward trying to guess the settings and not having a digital screen to be able to preview the shot and hope for the best until the film was processed.

As a 5x4 film camera has a much larger imaging area, it is therefore able to capture much more details than a digital camera resulting in better quality photographs and again this was evident in the photographs that I took as my first shot of a building was really clear showing minute details brick by brick.

Overall I am very impressed with the 5x4 camera and the quality of the photographs and it does reinforce setting everything on the camera manually and paying attention to detail to get the perfect result but on the downside, the camera is quite big and not very practical and photographs certainly cant be taken in a hurry.

above: taken with DSLR to compare with 5x4 camera 

Final print 5 - 5x4

Final print 5 - 5x4
Taken using a wide angle lens - it shows the street quite well, the church giving the photo an 'old' feeling.  Good sunlight emphasises the satin finish on the bollards.

Final print 4 - 5x4

The modern landscape - final print 4 - 5x4
I like the lines and blocks of the buildings behind the LCD screen in the photo which gives the photo a modern landscape feel.

Landscape Research

Another book I borrowed from the library - really good book, gives good examples of photographs and illustrates how to work with light and understand how light is reflected and falls upon a subject.

landscape research

I borrowed this book from the library for research, it contains good tips on how to crop and enhance digital images including adding layers, effects and also joining images.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Final print 3 - 5x4 Middlesbrough Town Centre

Final print 3 - 5x4
This photo reminds me of one of the shots by Henry Wessel of the street.
This was taken using a wide angle lens and I think captures the angle of the street well.

5x4 - M'bro town centre

5x4 print - not as clear as I thought it would be and also bit dull

Final print 2 - 5x4

Final print 2 - 5x4

I drive past this location almost daily on my way to Hartlepool.  I took the shot thinking that it would turn out ok but I was quite pleased with the way it turned out.  I like the background in the photograph, the way the cars are all scattered all over but love the definition of the clouds which give it the final touch.

Final print 1

Final print 1 - I really like this shot
I was originally trying to frame the transporter but people kept walking past so I turned the camera round and all I could see was the clarity of the sea bed which looked really nice in the viewfinder.
I used a filter to bring out the light in the photo and was pleased with the result.

Landscape - Bottle of Notes

Digital Landscape Photography - different angles and tones

Landscape - Tall Trees

More digital landscape photography - trying out different tones

Landscape - York, Seaton

Taken in York - on compact digital camera

Taken on digital camera

Friday, 3 May 2013

Local photographer from Middlesbrough - Andrew Davies

transporter bridge centenary 2011
paddys hole redcar gare photo 2

alnwick gardens winter

Frank Gohlke

 hosted applications

 hosted applications

John Schott

Bernd and Hilla Becher photography

Bernd and Hilla Becher photography

Lewis Baltz
Interview with Lewis Baltz

TateShots: Lewis Baltz | Tate
Aug 23, 2012 – Since the late 1960s, US photographer Lewis Baltz has been making images relating to the modern industrial and suburban landscape.

Henry Wessel

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Landscape photographer of the year competition

Take a look at this website - an opportunity to enter for landscape photographer of year.
Some fantastic landscape photographs from last year

Landscape within landscape - Middlesbrough Town Centre

Middlesbrough Town Centre

I took this photo on my DSLR and like it as it captures the building as landscape but also displays photos of actual landscape (parks) within the windows of the building.  I did try it in black and white but it didn't look as nice.

landscape - streets/houses

Taken from a moving train with compact camera

landscape - digital, Tees Barrage

Haven't really done much landscape photography so thought it best to take some photographs on my digital camera before I go attempt the 5x4 shots - really dull shot but then it was evening

still life - cookie display

Saw this cookie display in a shop window in York- liked the way the cookies were displayed
(as well as the taste!)